Davidoff Horizon EDT For Men is a robust and adventurous fragrance that captures the spirit of the great outdoors and the thrill of exploration. This scent is a dynamic blend of rugged earthiness and refreshing zest, perfect for the man who is drawn to the call of the wild and embraces life’s journeys with vigor.
- An adventurous creation by Davidoff
- Features notes of Ginger, Cocoa, and Vetiver
- Suited for the bold and adventurous man
- Earthy and invigorating, lasts about 6-8 hours
Discover the energizing kick of Ginger, paired with the rich, earthy notes of Cocoa. The grounding Vetiver in the base adds a layer of sophisticated ruggedness, creating a fragrance that is both invigorating and reassuring. Davidoff Horizon EDT For Men is a scent that speaks of open skies and uncharted territories, designed for the man who is fearless in his pursuit of adventure and experiences.